The choice of the name

The name of the Estate refers to the term “crespia”, a wine that was produced in Franciacorta in the late Middle Ages and can be considered one of the first sparkling wine experiments. It was the result of an accurate dosage of must, fresh bunches and few water which, re-fermented together with the previous vintage wine, allowed to have a fresh and young sparkling wine.

The choice of the name

The name of the Estate refers to the term “crespia”, a wine that was produced in Franciacorta in the late Middle Ages and can be considered one of the first sparkling wine experiments. It was the result of an accurate dosage of must, fresh bunches and few water which, re-fermented together with the previous vintage wine, allowed to have a fresh and young sparkling wine.

Our Vineyards in Franciacorta

We chose the lands where to plant the vineyards in order to represent all of its pedoclimatic variability, coming to plant the vines up to 350 m s.l.m. with exposure also to the north, towards Lake Iseo. Each vineyard, planted with specific grapes and clones, respects the vocation of the pedo-landscape. During the harvest, therefore, we bring grapes with personality and diversity in the cellar. Villa Crespia owns vineyards in each of the six vocational units.

Our Vineyards in Franciacorta

We chose the lands where to plant the vineyards in order to represent all of its pedoclimatic variability, coming to plant the vines up to 350 m s.l.m. with exposure also to the north, towards Lake Iseo. Each vineyard, planted with specific grapes and clones, respects the vocation of the pedo-landscape. During the harvest, therefore, we bring grapes with personality and diversity in the cellar. Villa Crespia owns vineyards in each of the six vocational units of Franciacorta.

Franciacorta: the Interpretation of Villa Crespia

Since its birth, Villa Crespia has always been focused on the exclusive production of Franciacorta, with grapes from the vineyards owned by the Muratori family.

In Franciacorta, the morainic hills are connected by fluvial-glacial tongues and more or less clayey colluvial sediments that draw different landscapes identified and described for the first time with the zoning study carried out in the 90s. Villa Crespia has made of this peculiar conformation of its territory a new interpretation of Franciacorta.

Franciacorta: the Interpretation of Villa Crespia

Since its birth, Villa Crespia has always been focused on the exclusive production of Franciacorta, with grapes from the vineyards owned by the Muratori family.

In Franciacorta, the morainic hills are connected by fluvial-glacial tongues and more or less clayey colluvial sediments that draw different landscapes identified and described for the first time with the zoning study carried out in the 90s. Villa Crespia has made of this peculiar conformation of its territory a new interpretation of Franciacorta.